My fantasy cast for Red Hibiscus PART TWO

The Yukki Onna
A dreaded youkai who has haunted Japanese oral literature for centuries! She is vengeful and malicious! A true terror of the winter nights. Never open when she knocks for she will take you into her icy embrace of death! 
Ko Sung Hee
Chang'e is the Chinese moon goddess. I based her character on Hsun's depiction of the goddess in his collection of short stories. She is beautiful and gentle but can be ruthless when crossed. Kim Ah Joong is the best actress to capture this multi faceted goddess. 
Kim Ah Joong
She is the personification of darkness and death. Destruction is her trademark and her power is not one to be meddled with! 
Na Moon Hee
Zhu Rong
Zhu Rong is a Chinese god of fire. He is hot tempered, dangerous and someone you prefer to have as an ally than an enemy. He is better portrayed by a more mature actor who has that authoritative aura. 
Lee Sang Yoon
Gong Gong
Gong Gong is an ancient god or monster of the water. He is fierce and dangerous although he looks calm and even alluring in his human form. His true form is a river dragon! He would be best played by the handsome Lee Min Ki. Lee Min Ki has played a sadistic serial killer and a loving family man. He is definitely the best actor to play Gong Gong. 
Lee Min Ki
Hou Yi
Hou Yi is the heavenly archer. He shot down the eight suns and saved the earth from being scorched into oblivion. He is the husband of Chang'e. Once again, his character and their relationship was based on Hsun's perspective on the myth in his collection, Old Tales Retold. He is a looker but a ruthless tiger lies beneath. Kim Jaejoong is one of my favourite actors and I think he can bring Hou Yi alive in a way no one else can. 

Kim Jaejoong

That's my cast! I look forward to the book maybe becoming a film and I hope if it ever does happen that it is played by an all Asian cast. 



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